Listers, Drills and Planters

From their introduction in the 1890’s, the product line for walk behind listers and planters changed very little. The Empress for instance, was a staple of the line.

Listers, Drills & Planters (walking)

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Riding listers and planters were a big step up from the walk behind models and came in options including check row models. Peanuts, Corn, Cotton, and Cowpea were all common seed options. The line evolved a little, but the basic concepts mostly remained until RIPC closed.

Listers & Planters (riding)

The 1924 catalog still carried pretty much the same line as the 1918 catalog, but by the 1930’s they had been removed from the thin catalog.


Link below to the 24 catalogs planter section with 30 pages of planters and listers.

Click above for 1924 catalogs planter section

Click above for 1890’s-1900’s era planter circular

The modern style grain drill was fairly recent and did not play a major role in the Rock Island product line. Instead, they turned to the Peoria Drill & Seeder Company as their primary supplier. For a time they also offered the  “Farmers Friend” line from the American Seeding Machine Company. The Minneapolis branch house actually for a brief time marketed a drill under their own name. 


Above: late 1920’s Peoria catalog with Rock Islands,

 click to read

Above: ads circa 1910

Below: Northwest Special Grain Drill flyer    and 1931 catalog page